Trusted Partners
Creating a Trusted Partnership
Posting to Trusted Partners
Client applications can create a trusted partnership between itself and other applications. The trusted partnership then allows for applications to share notifications with their partners.
Trusted partners can be viewed under the 'Trusted Partners' tab, to see the trusted partners tab you must be an owner of an application. The trusted partners page will show trusted partnerships for every application in status app.
Creating a Trusted Partnership
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Trusted Partnerships can be requested from any application that you own to any application in status app. Once requested, an application owner of the requested application will need to approve the partnership before notifications can be posted to it.
After clicking the 'Add New Trusted Partner' button, a new page will load with a form to create a new trusted partnership.
The section titled 'Push Notifications From These Applications' lists the client applications of which you are an owner. These are the client applications from which you can request that the notifications be posted to some other client application. You can select one or more client applications in this list.
The second section titled 'Post Notifications To This Application' lists all the client applications registered with status app and you can select any one with which you wish to create a trusted partnership. If multiple client applications were selected in the first section, multiple requests for trusted partnerships will be created. Once selections are made, click on 'Request Trusted Partner' button.
After pressing the 'Request Trusted Partner' button, the trusted partners home page will load. On this page there will be the active trusted partnerships and the requested trusted partnerships.
If your application has made a request to another application, it will be listed here with the status 'Pending.'
If your applications has been requested to make a trusted partnership, it will also be listed here with status pending but it will have 'Accept' and 'Decline' buttons where you can choose to approve or reject the partnership.
Posting to Trusted Partners
Once a trusted partnership has been created, if you go the 'Create Notification' screen you will see an additional section for trusted partners. Fill in the notification form as you usually do to create a notification, selecting the client application(s) you own in the applications section. Once you have selected your applications, approved trusted partners of your applications will become available for selection in the trusted partners section. Trusted Partners that are unapproved will either not be displayed or will be grayed out and not selectable. From the trusted partners section, select the client application to which you want to forward this notification and click the 'Post Notification' button. For more information about creating notifications see Creating Notifications.
When a notification is posted to your client application it will be listed with the rest of the notifications for your application. The notification will have all of the applications the notification is posted on and will have a button to remove the notification and one to view history.